Find and give meaning

You can't get always what you want.

I always loved technology and computers since I was a young boy, so it was natural for me to take engineering studies. It’s only after years of efforts, sacrifices, and struggles that I discovered the abstract nature of academic assignments. I’ve decided to publish my software, I’ve started a technical publishing company, and I followed my natural tendency to share my knowledge with others. It’s only after having tried ten different jobs in various business fields and cultural settings that I’ve learn a little bit more about myself.

Nowadays, I still feel there is so much to discover about me. Journaling and writing are such indispensable tools for self-exploration, and I cannot do without them.

I love the concept of helping others in expressing their potential. It is one of the goals I am trying to pursue. It’s good to think about being useful to others, as much as possible, in any situation, with any positive contribution.

Experimentation to avoid making the wrong choices

Choosing a learning path can change your life, especially when you discover you didn’t like it along the way.

Prompt: how can you test the waters without plunging yourself deep into a life choice as the one of a study field?

We can give meaning to others’ lives

We are social beings, and we live thanks to the relationship we have with others. It’s innate our desire to provide a service to them and to contribute to our community.

Prompt: how can you be the best person possible to contribute to others’ development in pursuing and expressing their potential?

I might have some answers, but they are my answers, coming from many different experiences, trials, and errors.

Adopting this mindset means making small steps, evaluating the land, observing, reflecting, and deciding on the next steps.

You need to find your answers, build on top of what others have already learned, and experiment by minimizing risks and damages while maximizing the learning.

You can't get always what you want.
You can’t get always what you want.

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