How to take a digital note, webinar by Tiago Forte
Live notes taken during Tiago Forte’s webinar on Building a Second Brain
I don’t want everything to go back to the way it was.
I want a mosaic, where each one is a slow and precious fragment, and where there is no need for bars or bans to notice the grace of this springtime.
Workshop Design methods, Discovery and Ideation
How I used facilitation tools and techniques to organize and deliver a series of workshops for the Observatory on the Dialogue in the Agrifood System (OsservAgro).
Facilitating Collective Intelligence for the Sustainability of Agri-food
My experience as a facilitator of five workshops, for the Dialogue in the Agri-food System Observatory (Osservagro)
Strategic Design for Collective Intelligence
A Strategic Designer Collective facilitates Collective Intelligence for leaders and decision-makers to be more than the sum of their parts.
Design is Planning
Design is planning the purpose of something before it is made. Build more rational and useful products and services by carefully planning their making.
Networking by communicating your challenge
Focusing on a specific mission is hard. If you’re not clear about it it’s even harder to communicate it. This is how it went with my presentation to Ozan Varol’s Inner Circle.
Facilitation is the process of learning together
Facilitation is the process of learning together. A professional facilitator improves collective intelligence through structured activities.
Funny constraints as learning tools for young learners
How to design a learning game with visual facilitation methods and funny constraints to keep the learner’s interest high and to improve understanding of how knowledge is structured.
What to write about
What should you write about? How can you find the inspiration for a new article or a new diary post? What is capturing your attention and is worth of further thought? What deserves to be put in words for somebody else to be read?