Ultimate Testing
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
How to prepare and run a software demo: prompts
Presenting a piece of software is a [[presentation]] so anything applicable to the art and craft of presenting can be applied to software as well.
Macro and Micro
I’ve found two extremes in my reflections: big moments to think about big things and little moments to think about small things.
Relax, don’t do it
Sometimes you can make no sense. Who cares, anyway?
Challenge Your Ideas In Public to Become More Innovative
Being original, innovative means having the courage of letting go of your banality
The Knowledge Creations Process
Can we brand a thinking process? Think about a toy brick, a 2-by-4 piece. It’s standard, created with high precision to respects specific dimensions, shapes and feature. Now think about what you can do with that piece. Within its constrained shape it offers infinite combinatorial possibilities with multiple instances of itself. Now take a set…
Talking With Facts
t least, you won’t waste further time.
Talking to my future self about my knowledge
Why didn’t I start earlier?
Knowing the Pieces Before the Assembly
functions and their potential for connection, it could be inefficient or, worst, harmful.
Learning Goals Depend on Our Roles in Life
We should accept ambiguity and multiplicity in defining our identity and our roles. They are fluid and in continuous mutation.