It’s Easy To Break A Habit


As soon as you skip your daily habitual rite of preparing for your creative time, immediately after you rush your creation when you skip a step because you’re tired or unmotivated, that is the worst moment of your challenge.

You want to build a daily creative habit and you’ve struggled to engrain your rituals for hundreds of days. When you start to feel tired or not like creating there are infinite ways to fall in a downward spiral dangerously leading you to break your habit.

This is what happened to me recently. After having a nice group of peers writing with me I got back to write alone. First, in 15 people you can feel the energy to create and you can’t wait for the moment to do it. When others have their doubts and partial failure you get energized by helping them to remain consistent. But at day 90 when you are in three, and then two, and then one, if you didn’t plan and prepare for your solo marathon, that is the moment where your willpower and your character are strongly put to a test.

Well, here I am, alone, still writing, and it’s day 233.