Idea Curation, Visual Note-Taking, Conversational Explorations

CREAZEE Sprint 3 with Quinten Lockefeer on Idea Curation, Visual Note-Taking, Conversational Explorations

Watch CREAZEE Sprint 3 with Quinten Lockefeer.

I met Quinten in Ness Labs, a community of creatives. I proposed a book club on “The Uncertainty Mindset” and we started to zoom-meet every week.

It was about three years ago and we never stopped since.

Quinten is a Joyful Creative Enzyme. We never had to plan our conversations. The sole fact of being online connected sparked in us the urge to talk.

About what?

Watch the video to have a sample. Consider it an excellent representation of what Q & Max do every week for one hour.

Among the topic we touched on was content curation, visualizing conversations in real-time (as in this case), collaboration, Personal Knowledge Management, and note-taking, the role of AI in learning.

We also discussed my experience with the CREAZEE Daily Writing Habit Challenge which involved about 15 people in 2021. We wrote about 500 articles in a month, one article per day, every single day.

It’s a long video, consider it an invitation to be part of a meeting between friends with an unstoppable desire to share their enthusiasm for knowledge and for life.

Watch the YouTube video at:

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