Not Comfortable But Not Quitting

I don’t have my computer with me. Nor my favorite monitor. I don’t even have a connection, right now. I had to borrow it. Sometimes it works, if I move too far, it doesn’t. I don’t have all of my services logged-in, so I am writing directly in WordPress. No spelling checker, no AI assisting me with my grammar and my writing style. I am in a new and not ideal situation. But I am still here, writing.

I want to keep memory of a particularly satisfying working session. When I work with bright minds, quick thinkers, organized brains, I feel good. In about one hour we danced intellectually by iterating a concept, first, by deciding the final goal, then by drafting the key steps and, finally, by refining the story and adding details. All of it by being in he flow, as a group, one adding on top of each other’s contribution.

It all ended with the perceivable shared satisfaction of having done a good job, together. I wish I could have much more codesign and cocreation sessions like this, in the future.