The discipline, habits, methods, techniques and tools to capture, organize and apply knowledge for personal productivity and development.

Frequently abbreviated with PKM.

It’s my joy and my pain. The source and the destination of my thoughts. My impossible struggle against the chaos of serendipity and creativity.

The eternal quest for the perfect classification system.

So far I have experimented with all and with nothing. I failed innumerable times but I keep on fighing.

Notable Personal Knowledge Management systems, methods and approaches:

  • Personal Knowledge Mastery by Harold Jarche
  • Building A Second Brain, with the included P.A.R.A by Tiago Forte
  • Zettelkasten (or Slip-Box or Index Cards) method by Niklas Luhmann

Interesting People

Sönke Ahrens

Author of the book How to Take Smart Notes in which he talks about the Zettelkasten method.


Conor White-Sullivan

Co-founder of Roam Research


Shu Omi

Talks about how he organize his time and his knowledge by offering illustrative videos and tutorials. He uses Roam Research to build his Second Brain.

I always try to create more than I consume.

—Shu Omi, How I Organise My Day | Roam Research

Roam Research: Full Tour of Expert Shu Omi’s Roam | Powerful Networked Thought Tool


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