La question n’est pas de travailler,
c’est de fair croire aux autres qu’on travaille.

—Tristan Bernard.


Inspired by the NowNowNow movement, on this page, you can find what I am doing now.
(Updated on April 2021)

I work as a Senior Strategic Designer in the fields of Service Design, UX Design, Interaction Design, User Research, User Interface Design, Usability Testing, and managing small remote groups of designers and developers. I love facilitating collective intelligence by coaching and mentoring young business startups about their product discovery and design activities.

CREAZEE: Build a Daily Writing Habit

In April 2021 I am facilitating the 1st cohort of the CREAZE Daily Writing Habit Challenge.
Join us in May?


I am expanding my online and live Facilitation services to cover: Collective Intelligence Design, Systems Practice and Systems Change.


I am writing about my experience on this blog. The thing I wanted to do for +20 years.