What’s Futuring?

Thinking about the future is different for each of us because every person has a different view of the future.

“Futuring” is the process of exploring possible futures. It’s a way to gather information and get directions. It is also an act affecting politics, society, culture, and psychology.

There is no fixed futuring process. Although there are methods and approaches you should always think critically about their application and adjust it to your context and your needs.

Futuring vs Design

While the design process has tangible deliverables and artifacts, the futuring’s outcomes are not usually immediate and require attention when structuring its process. An effective framing of the futuring process is essential for its success.

Future Framing: What are the objectives and the boundaries of futuring?

In the futuring process, you should define the purpose and the impact, the stakeholders, the boundaries, and the practices. You should “future-proof your future-proofing”.

Notes from “How To Future” (2021) by Scott Smith and Madeline Ashby.