Creating Choice by Managing your Personal Knowledge
To create choices I need information and the capability of making connections between them. PKM helps.
Trees of the past and future
At every moment of my life I’m at the intersection of two trees, one made of all of the events occurred and the decisions I made which brought me to today and the other made of all the possible decisions I will make in the future. At every moment of my life I can consider…
Beauty is in How it Works
a beautifully designed object is something that works well, for the purpose it has been created for.
You Can’t Get Always What You Want
How you react to adversities defines you character. You have to confront yourself first with your reaction to the environment and that is where your real self shows up. Demonstrating the capability but also the will to adapt makes you resilient. Becoming angry and refusing to find trade-offs generates unsatisfactory feelings and put you down.…
To Write You Need To Be Selfish
It doesn’t matter where you are now and what you are doing. The people surrounding you or the next important task. If you committed to write, daily, you have to steal time and refuse to give the needed attention because you need your private writing time. Maybe you don’t have your comfortable keyboard and that…
Guest Post: On Patience
I did a monthly retrospective
And it was good
Showing The Design Process vs The Final Product
Present the final product to persuade and impress. Show the design process to build trust and add depth.
It’s nice doing nothing
There’s only this little problem of time.
Plan For Happiness
Keep track of places, people, tastes, happenings, events that left a positive mark on your memories and store them safely.