Prototyping for maximum learning and minimum effort

To build a house you need a flower.

When you are working at the solution of a problem, or you are designing a product or a service, prototyping is a crucial activity to learn If the solution that you have so far is good or not.

How do you prototype an idea?

You need to decide which specific function or feature you want to validate.

You have to create a model, a mock-up, an example, a low fidelity implementation of your idea with any means possible.

The important thing is that when you test this prototype with a sample of your target audience, They can test the feature as if it were the actual product without having that.

That’s the purpose of the prototype. To test the product without building the product. Why would you do that? Because if we don’t verify how our idea or a specific part of our concept is performing in a real environment, we don’t know if we are spending our time in the best way possible.

To avoid having a huge setback by an audience, not recognizing the value of your idea—Maybe because there are some flaws—it’s essential to test any evolution of the idea that you want to build using prototypes.

Test your ideas with quick and cheap prototypes as early and as frequently as possible. You will get the maximum learning benefit out of the minimum effort.

To build a house you need a flower.
To build a house you need a flower.

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