My challenge resides at the intersection of my 12 favorite problems. It’s expressed by one of the problems itself: how to address all of the 12 in an interdependent way?
If in the group, I include:
- Identity
- Relationships
- Learning
- Health
- Thinking
- Communication
- Sustainability
- Design
- Technology
- Creativity
- Art
- Systems thinking
What’s the overall problem I am referring to? How can I consider all of them as being part of the same whole?
Organizing them by relation would lead to creating clusters:
- Me and the others
- Identity
- Health
- Relationships
- My mind
- Learning
- Thinking
- Systems thinking
- The world
- Sustainability
- Creativity
- Communication
- Design
- Technology
- Art
Yes, it is stretched, I know, but I like what I came up with. How could I reformulate the One Problem using those clusters?
- How can I put my creativity at the World’s service?
- Being healthy and knowledgeable to make a more sustainable world.
- From personal growth to ecosystem sustainability.
- Being a healthy part of a healthy world.
- Art, communication, design, and technology to make education accessible to everybody, to increase the ecosystem’s health.
They sound like a mission. And I like that. I am creating the first drafts of my personal mission.
Ideas and mission
I should cluster my 100 ideas in the same fashion. Maybe in a future article. Which idea is related to my mission drafts?
Rereading the list, I find them relatively coherent, and that is reassuring. Which idea is falling at the intersections of my favorite problems and consequently in my mission’s realm?
I like this one:
Apply the metaphor of cooking to systems thinking, design, and as a simple project to create software to learn and teach about computer science, interaction design, and brain development.
Not bad. It touches on several aspects and disciplines with defined outcomes.
I will iterate this process each time I need to get inspiration to make progress. Ideas will get refined and refreshed while problems will coalesce into a more clear personal mission. I can use these better-defined concepts to write more about them and to filter information against them. That’s a good step forward in my creative approach directly influencing my Personal Knowledge Management System.