Talking to my future self about my knowledge
Why didn’t I start earlier?
Observe Trends, Prepare for the Future
Sometimes we don’t want to see the future. We have all the signals in front of us, explicit. It would take such a little effort to relate trends and behaviors that we could anticipate what would happen soon. It’s a good investment to monitor the key tendencies and movements in our society. Especially about our…
Trees of the past and future
At every moment of my life I’m at the intersection of two trees, one made of all of the events occurred and the decisions I made which brought me to today and the other made of all the possible decisions I will make in the future. At every moment of my life I can consider…
All Life Visible
Futuring: Scoping
Scoping starts with a question, from an individual, a team, or an organization, framing and setting boundaries
What’s Futuring?
Thinking about the future is different for each of us because every person has a different view of the future. “Futuring” is the process of exploring possible futures. It’s a way to gather information and get directions. It is also an act affecting politics, society, culture, and psychology. There is no fixed futuring process. Although…
Speculative Design, Critical Design, and Future Design. Notes from the Webinar by Debora Bottà