One Year Blogging Challenge Complete
New Beginnings?
The day before completing my 365 daily post writing challenge, I am thinking about my next habit-forming strategy.
Approaching the horizon
I wrote every single day. What about the rest? What did I learn? What did I build? These are the kind of questions it will interesting to ask myself.
Challenge Your Ideas In Public to Become More Innovative
Being original, innovative means having the courage of letting go of your banality
Talking to my future self about my knowledge
Why didn’t I start earlier?
Learning Goals Depend on Our Roles in Life
We should accept ambiguity and multiplicity in defining our identity and our roles. They are fluid and in continuous mutation.
How To Discover Your Beloved Ones’ Desires
Ask them. But with a trick.
Accepting Compliments
When somebody gives you compliments or shows their gratitude to you, do not diminish what you have done. Be humble but accept the nice words without feeling obliged to appear less than what the others are seeing in you.
Reflecting, Again, On My Daily Writing Habit Practice
I’m carving back my space for private writing. It’s a different need in a different context. I have nothing to demonstrate to anybody.
The Value of Experience
The experience I made in a technical field came useful today when I had to explain to a peer how to face a certain context. I realized I had a clear vision about the problem, its ramifications and how to approach them. I always feel like I need to study more and know more and…