Things You Should Stop Doing When Managing Information
Starting from scratch. Separating information. Reading later. Separating projects. Taking notes. Processing information inconsistently. Collecting information randomly. Complicating your life.
Slowly Connecting Pieces into Larger Ones
.So, I do want to write an essay, as well, and this is how I am setting it up. How will you write your essay?
A System To Think In
“I never force myself to do anything I don’t feel like. Whenever I am stuck, I do something else.” I have found a way to cure my eclecticism.
Updating my Vision to Learn and Build in public
Do you have any suggestions about finding a better solution to motivate my learning while sharing it with others?
Knowledge is Required to Make Connections
Maximize the opportunity for connections by exposing ourselves to broad and diverse knowledge while intentionally observing
Contrast and Compare to find connections between ideas and concepts
By contrasting and comparing, we reveal the inner nature of the objects we are observing, facilitating the emerging of relationships.
Coherence between Ideas and Problems
Once you have created your 100 ideas to write about and then list your 12 favorite problems, you should look for coherence between the two.
Learning and Health (My 12 Favorite Problems)
Learning, Teaching, Education, Knowledge, and Culture. Health and Habit making
PKM, When? Always.
If you understand the power of PKM, and if you have a flexible and powerful system, you always need it. You need it in every phase of your creative process.
PKM for whom? A Short Answer.
Personal Knowledge Management can benefit everybody. If you think, you need PKM.