The Pleasure of Connecting Knowledge
It’s nice to find somebody else treating the topics that you love in a clear and entertaining way.
To Clarify Make The System Visible First
Luck is not the wisest choice in sensemaking.
How to decide if to rebuild or adapt a new system
In very complicated systems, if you discover that the update is more convenient than the rebuild you might save a lot of time and resources.
The Knowledge Creations Process
Can we brand a thinking process? Think about a toy brick, a 2-by-4 piece. It’s standard, created with high precision to respects specific dimensions, shapes and feature. Now think about what you can do with that piece. Within its constrained shape it offers infinite combinatorial possibilities with multiple instances of itself. Now take a set…
Knowing the Pieces Before the Assembly
functions and their potential for connection, it could be inefficient or, worst, harmful.
Visualize the system to better manage it
The phases of inventory and mapping are crucial to make a system visible. Any serious management and leadership effort as well as a design intervention should always rely on a careful and accurate system mapping. We can find the weak links and the strength points of a product, an organization, a service or a group…
Stock resources when not needed
And use them during time of poverty. But how much to stock? What’s the right cost today for richness I will have on an unknown Future?
Storytelling to face uncertainty and complexity
It’s a way to work, productively and provocatively, without knowing exactly what the work is that you have to do.
Make The System Visible
Living in Information by Jorge Arango, book review