In preparing my CREAZEE Challenge for the upcoming cohort, I’ve come up with a shock-therapy: if you want to join, create 100 ideas and share them with me.
It worked in an experiment I did with a wannabe artist who found his idea in just two days by doing what I’ve suggested to him: write down 100 ideas in one day, then select The One. It worked fantastically! And that’s another story I will share with you in the future.
Just by pure coincidence, somebody sent a YouTube video to me talking about “The 101 Desires Techniques”. Well, you won’t believe it, but it is incredibly similar to the approach I invented. That’s what I want to share with you today.
The 101 Desires Technique by Igor Sibaldi
Are you able to say what you want in a clear way? Many people cannot. This exercise helps you to rediscover the skill of being able to state your desires.
This exercise affects your personality and how you live your life because you discover capabilities and talents you would not have imagined. Not only within yourself but also around you. You become a better observer. We’re accustomed to seeing the world of others by being outsiders. Changing, we appreciate to desire and want other things because we become aware of the world. We become full of questions.
How to write the desires
- Every desire always starts with “I want…”
- Do not use negations like “I do not…” or “I want to be immune,” instead write, “I want to be perfectly healthy.
- ” Do not ask for money because money is a means, not an objective. Money is about the “must,” not the “want.” Instead, ask for something tangible, like “I want a castle” and not “I want to have the money to buy a castle”.
- Only verifiable desires, no abstractions like “I want to be very generous.”
- Avoid comparisons like “I want to be as good as…”
- You cannot ask something for somebody else. You cannot say, “I want that person to heal.” You can only say, “I want to be able to help that person so that they can heal”.
- No serial desires. You cannot have multiple similar desires: “I want a house in Paris,” “I want to have a house in New York,” it induces obsessive desires. Every desire must be unique and a discovery.
- No diminutives or vezzeggiatives. Be brave and precise with your desires.
- Each desire should be 14 words at the maximum. That is “I want” plus 12 words. Each desire should be in a breath. And we need to be concise to be more determined. If you want something, you need to state it concisely. ( “If you know something, you can express it clearly”).
- Do not ask for sex or a love affair with specific persons because it’s like dishonestly forcing somebody else. Instead, ask, “I want to have reciprocal love.”
You need to write 150 desires to choose 101 from them. You will review them every day for one year, and you will write off the ones achieved so you will replace them with the remaining ones.
Usually, the most absurd desires get realized. Those who surprised you when you created them.
The desires not realized are the most important because they hide something crucial about you. You should investigate why they did not materialize. The more you study them, the more you will make them possible.
After writing the first ten and then 50, you will completely change your attitude in writing your desires. You will grow, and you will reconsider what you were wanting. You will pass from being selfish to higher purposes. From “having a luxurious house” to “making art to share.”
Why re-reading our desire list every day? Because we have to get accustomed to the beauty of what we have written. It’s a way to jumpstart your mind in thinking differently.
This technique is coming from ancient Buddhist practices. We live in a river of opportunities and inspirations at different levels. We’ve been accustomed and educated to look at what we have as everything we will ever be able to have. This technique pushes you to look at the higher level of this opportunity river, where there are big things for us we can desire. If we are aware of that, we have the chance to grab them. Otherwise, they will pass by without any impact on our lives.
How to use this technique to be creative?
I am amazed at the popularity of Sibaldi’s technique. I’ve never heard about it. I have several doubts about his version’s spiritual and mystical aspects, and I don’t feel attracted to those themes. I will try to apply the best insights in my “Write 100 Ideas, Now!” to coach, train, and facilitate my CREAZEE friends to create a daily habit. Join us!

2 responses to “Write 100 Ideas, Now”
Yes sir! Let’s do this 🙂
[…] Write 100 ideas now […]