Hello Network(ed) Thinkers,
Weeks pass by like clouds on a windy day, and topics start to stick like balls of spaghetti thrown on the wall. I’ve found convergence in the force. After the impulse of learning out loud about data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, I’ve checked my braindump with more intentional research on the same topic. It was helpful and fun. The loci argumentorum inspired my first investigation into why we are capturing knowledge, and they also led me to explore what I am capturing. I’ve made I was not acting as a good systems thinker by isolating the two perspectives. Still, I’ve reconciled them by analyzing the process of capturing a digital flow-chart image.
I see a thread in my explorations and connections between each adventure. I feel I am charting a known territory while looking at it with my eyes through different lenses. I am quite satisfied with the idea of filling in the blanks in a map to be explored. And I feel even more stimulated by the idea of leaving traces and spaces to connect observations into more significant knowledge objects.
Thanks for your attention.
And don’t forget, there are also minimal, abstract, and sometimes surreal illustrations.
This week on curatella.com

Capturing diagram images in your PKM System
Store images related to your interests and connect them to possible future use scenarios.

A systems thinker thinks in systems about systems
Systems Thinking emerges from considering the relationships and the interactions between all components of the observed system.

What am I capturing: data, information, or knowledge?
A note captured is usually something that will need further processing, and it’s seldom something we could use as it is.

Why capturing knowledge?
Capturing data, information, and knowledge depends on your vision and your character.

What is data, information, knowledge, and wisdom?
By giving context to raw data, you obtain information. Knowledge is information connected. Wisdom is knowledge applied to decision-making.

Learning Out Loud: Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom
I’m doing a crazy experiment. Instead of researching and reporting, I will write down what I know about data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
Who are you, Max?
Thanks for asking:
Hi, I am Massimo Curatella.
I am a Strategic Designer and a Facilitator. I write about design, education, facilitation, and Systems Thinking.
Some highlights from my website curatella.com:
- One Year Writing: 30 Lessons Learned in 30 Days. My challenge to publish 30 atomic essays in 30 days.
- Writing Half a Million words in One Year. I have been writing for my 365th day in a row, for a total of half a million words.
- The habit of building habits
- Notes. A growing collection of notes, reflections, and connections.
- My notes about Systems Thinking
- All articles about Design
- All articles about Facilitation
- All articles about Writing
- All articles about Systems Thinking
See you next week (or now?)