Go Slow To Go Fast
If you want to design and develop fast, prepare the components you need going through a careful and dedicated working session. Do not rush it.
Drive Away to Refresh Your Mind
Changing place helps changing perspective. Although we always can bring our digital world with us when you are on the move you are forced to be more creative. Finding the right route, the right destination or just a place to eat gives you different stimuli than jumping to another hyperlink. Moving should be a recommended…
Value Recognition Improves Your Relationships
Take some dedicated time to recognize the good done by somebody else and you’ll live better.
Incremental, Iterative, Collaborative Book Reading and Note-taking
I adore this format, I want to read book in his way in the future. It's fun, engaging, active and It makes me learn, connect and remember more.
Backup is Sending Objects To The Future
You need to state a clear intention in your saving and take care of its accessibility when and if needed.
Not Comfortable But Not Quitting
I wish I could have much more codesign and cocreation sessions like this, in the future.
All Life Visible
Imagine seeing lives as stories already told. How would you change your behavior? What would you do?
Consuming vs. Creating
We need to be more critical in our approach to consuming what surrounds us and move to a different mindset, the one of being creators rather than consumers.
Use The Dynamics Force
When planning in uncertainty you could specify as little as possible and let the forces on the systems to do their job. When you are aware of the problem’s context and you know the interrelationships at play you can dance with the system instead of laying out detailed plans. In that case you need to…