Abstract and Specific Speculations
Everything could be wrong, but time and resources are not wasted because you better grasp the subject and its context.
Storytelling to face uncertainty and complexity
It’s a way to work, productively and provocatively, without knowing exactly what the work is that you have to do.
Day by Day
Oh, I need to write. So I am not hiding behind a finger. I am just living this daily challenge as it comes.
I did it.
What Can We Learn About The Future?
The word is about, there’s something evolving,Whatever may come, the world keeps revolving…They say the next big thing is here,That the revolution’s near,But to me it seems quite clearThat’s it’s all just a little bit of history repeating. The newspapers shout a new style is growing,But it don’t know if it’s coming or going,There is…
Futuring: Scoping
Scoping starts with a question, from an individual, a team, or an organization, framing and setting boundaries
What’s Futuring?
Thinking about the future is different for each of us because every person has a different view of the future. “Futuring” is the process of exploring possible futures. It’s a way to gather information and get directions. It is also an act affecting politics, society, culture, and psychology. There is no fixed futuring process. Although…
Becoming immune doesn’t mean avoiding or rejecting alien things. It’s the opposite, it means being completely immersed in them and developing an immune response. For those things we cannot avoid, reject or prevent to be immersed with, we need to develop our immune system.
Careful, Accurate and Useless Archives.
While trying to not get asleep I am writing whatever comes to my mind. Outside is hot, inside is fresh and nice. The bed is comfortable. I just need to remain focused. If I enjoy too much this position I might not get to the end. I’d like to set in my mind the lessons…
Cheap Comfort
I am writing this document on my mobile phone using an external keyboard. It’s quite comfortable, I am on my couch, the phone is inclined on a holder and I am well seated on my sofa. This configuration is unusual. I feel I am in keyboard-typing-mode, typing fast, almost at the speed of my thoughts,…