Boutique, Barrique
La ferita è dolorante, La cura meticolosa, Il fuoco latente, Ma proprio non è cosa. La delusione è cocente, L’ardito riposa. La trama lucente Nell’immaginazione, sontuosa.
Quiet Nights and Quiet Dreams
Today I enjoy greater tranquility but I observe dormant dreams and storms. It is true that while you imagine a different life, life, the real one, happens to you. I find it hard to let go of the moment that passes without ignoring the swirl of the brain. Sometimes writing about it helps. Although, I…
Strong Feelings, Strong Memories
The power of trauma engraves events deeply in your memory. I can clearly see what’s around me, what my friend is saying on the phone and the images passing through an old TV set broadcasting live what was happening. And it was 20 years ago. The oldest memory I have in my mind is my…
Free-Flowing Reflections on my Writing Practice
What I like and what I don’t, about my daily writing practice.
Dissatisfaction as a Motivation to Change
Feeling like you should be doing different things, or getting different results can be a good force for change.
Strategy and Planning
Keeping the right balance between abstract, speculative thought and practical, executive planning requires careful dedication and self-awareness.
Learning Pains
And it is so good.
Creating Choice by Managing your Personal Knowledge
To create choices I need information and the capability of making connections between them. PKM helps.
Trees of the past and future
At every moment of my life I’m at the intersection of two trees, one made of all of the events occurred and the decisions I made which brought me to today and the other made of all the possible decisions I will make in the future. At every moment of my life I can consider…
Beauty is in How it Works
a beautifully designed object is something that works well, for the purpose it has been created for.