I am Massimo Curatella, and this is my DAY 3 Article in the CREAZEE Daily Writing Challenge, and my 138th daily article.
Dear readers, this is my answer to the Write 100 Ideas creative exercise.
- How to become an independent author.
- How to reuse the content you have produced to create a product.
- How to create an online course.
- How to reuse the format for an online course to apply it to different disciplines.
- Online course about writing.
- Online course about creating an online course.
- Online course about how to become a designer.
- How to become a facilitator.
- How to self-develop by writing every day.
- How to build a habit.
- How to become a coach.
- How to facilitate collective intelligence.
- How to use the Internet and social networks to create your personal brand.
- How to create a group of professionals collaborating remotely on several projects.
- How to build a habit to take daily photographs to develop your photography skills.
- How to become a better learner.
- How to create your personal knowledge management system.
- How to read effectively.
- How to take notes.
- How to explain complex topics effectively.
- How to be a better critical thinker.
- How to improve your memory.
- How to develop your artistic sensitivity.
- How to develop your artistic expression with Visual Media.
- Visual facilitation.
- Future thinking, how to think about the future.
- How to manage your time and productivity when you are an independent professional.
- How to integrate your time management system with your family.
- Keeping a diary.
- How to educate people, your family, your children, using games.
- How to learn to play any musical instrument.
- Writing poetry.
- What is the most useful fundamental knowledge every human being should have?
- Create a collection of the 100 most influential books of all human history.
- Top 100 films.
- Top 100 podcasts.
- Top 100 thinkers in history.
- 100 places I want to visit and their stories.
- Make a list of all the people that I know.
- Find groups of people that I know aggregated by their skills.
- Find at least ten professional opportunities per month.
- Prepare a list of topics to write about to position me as an expert in the fields that interest me.
- Study and share about design.
- Facilitation.
- Systems thinking.
- Critical thinking.
- Knowledge management.
- Teaching and education.
- Learning, understanding memory.
- Neuroscience.
- What is the latest theory about life in the universe?
- What is the theory of mind?
- What are the basics of artificial intelligence?
- What is essential in computer science that I can use in my interests.
- Learn Chinese.
- Learn to cook.
- Apply the metaphor of cooking to systems thinking, design, and as a simple project to create, as software to learn and teach about computer science, interaction design, and brain development.
- What are the most important trends for the future?
- According to the trends, what can I do today to mitigate risks for the future?
- How to be healthy.
- The basic concepts of nutrition.
- Personal finance, what is important to know to avoid.
- Is there any kind of investment, financial investment that I can do to have some future revenues?
- What are the most important things to be done when you have children for every year of their life?
- Is it important the location where you live? How am I affected by the place where I live?
- What can I do to get the benefits of having contacts with people around the World?
- Creates a periodical meeting with creative people to exchange ideas.
- How would it be to live by always flying up in the air?
- If I have to go to Mars, what would it bring with me?
- What is sex?
- What is the impact of sex on our lives? And how should we behave accordingly?
- What is change? How do you manage it?
- How can I create an environment conducive to creativity, health, and wealth for my family and me and my friends?
- What is the most important thing that I should do every day that would have the highest impact on my life?
- Who are my best friends?
- What am I doing to curate my relationship with other people?
- Can I create rituals, celebrations, and special dates to enjoy life more?
- What happened if I booked some time per week or per day to do something fun?
- How can I involve other people in creative, smart regenerating activities without wasting our time?
- How can I earn a living by having fun and leaving a legacy?
- What is my legacy? What do I want to leave as a legacy?
- We cannot live separately, and we are forced to be closed in lockdown. What would I do If I were free to leave?
- What’s the best place in the world where I would live instead of this one?
- Who is a person from the past that I would like to meet again?
- What’s the best place I visited and why?
- What are my best memories?
- What are my worst memories and what I have learned from them, That I am applying today?
- Do I have a daily ritual in which I reflect on the most important things I have listed so far?
- How can I overlap, intersect and create synergies between the different needs and desires I have, Like working and having fun? Working and meeting people, having fun, and earning money?
- What is the role of animals in our lives? How can we live more and better with them?
- What would it be to live near the sea? Or in the countryside?
- What are behaviors that are part of my character that I could change?
- What experiment can I do to see what happens if I behave differently from what I’ve been doing so far?
- How can I learn from books and past experiences that can be useful for my life without being myself in the first person to experiment?
- I want to fly. What would it be to be able to fly?
- Why don’t we create virtual worlds to express our desires to be free from our bodies? Like being able to fly?
- What about learning and teaching about painting, sculpting, and creating 3d worlds and video games or environments to explore and interact with and live different lives.
- What’s the meaning of life? If it is giving sense to others, what purpose am I giving to others?
- How do I want to be remembered?
- If being happy means knowing that I did it and doing that thought as the last thought that I think while being alive, what would I be to have done it?