Idea Curation, Visual Note-Taking, Conversational Explorations
Explaining the reason for a failure is illuminating
A precise, documented and motivated description of the exact work I am not doing.
Reflecting on voids and missed opportunities (draft)
It’s in the behavior: a sequence of actions leading to order or disorder according to different points of view.
Ultimate Testing
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Relax, don’t do it
Sometimes you can make no sense. Who cares, anyway?
We Need More Scientific Attitude
Of course ,we do.
Deeply Immersive Stolen Sleep
Sleeping when you are not supposed to sleep is like going on a prohibited journey. If you accompany your nap with an immersive audiobook then it’s like living another life. You need a book well narrated with a warm and rich voice. When you wake up you feel like you’ve been away, far away, to…
Free-Flowing Explanation of the Free-Flowing Practice
There will be no family member, no dog, no bill, no ugly noise able to get you out of your creative tunnel.
The Bassline Baseline
46 days to go. 46 more articles to write. “articles”, what a big word. I’ve received one of the best gifts I have ever had: a bass guitar. I have fingertips at both of my hands hurting and I am proud of that. When you play an instrument or try to play, you listen to…
A.I. isn’t as Advanced as I Need It, Yet.
Hemingway, give me the will to write.