Personal Thought Experiments Are Powerful Imagination Development Tools.
The value of repeating the effort of imagining a specific scenario could help to develop your imagination skills
Another Person
I’m a problem solver. I’m especially fond of impossible problems. I’m the impossible problems solver, the Impossible problems solver. This is the mythical man I want to be.
Another Time
Or I could travel to the future when there is no pain, no violence, no need to work to live but pure energy pervading the universe.
Another Place
This happens when I am bored. Really bored.
Start, Stop, Continue. Considerations.
A final consideration on the creative exercise of Start, Stop, Continue.
Things I Should Start Doing
Meet people again, write my books, exercise, have more generative conversations, pursue my interests, doing interviews, reread what I wrote, make art, playing the bass, story about my experience.
Continue Doing
Continue to write daily. to take long walks to read every day, to track key events, to plan your time, to have meaningful conversations, to share your knowledge, to collaborate.
Things You Should Stop Doing When Managing Information
Starting from scratch. Separating information. Reading later. Separating projects. Taking notes. Processing information inconsistently. Collecting information randomly. Complicating your life.
Turn Your Brain On
Life is beautiful and can be lived careless of its flow or treasuring every moment that passes. Being present requires commitment.
Slowly Connecting Pieces into Larger Ones
.So, I do want to write an essay, as well, and this is how I am setting it up. How will you write your essay?