Safety is Needed to Get Clarity
It requires a lot of time to work together, know each other, and have experience together: good and bad.
Reflections on Habitual Group Creativity
I’ve created CREAZEE to find external incentives in maintaining my daily writing habit. How can I improve it?
Updating my Vision to Learn and Build in public
Do you have any suggestions about finding a better solution to motivate my learning while sharing it with others?
The Books I Want To Write
Managing Your Knowledge. Everything is Designed, Design is Everything. Living a Creative Life. Writing Daily: a Transformational Practice.
Contrast and Compare to find connections between ideas and concepts
By contrasting and comparing, we reveal the inner nature of the objects we are observing, facilitating the emerging of relationships.
My 12 Favorite Problems, Version 2
I am iterating on the 12 Favorite Problems Technique. I am merging a first iteration and two drafts coming from my notes.
Compare Intention Against Execution
Learn how to improve in planning and building by comparing the intention against the execution.
Build a System To Build
To create a habit, you have to feel a certain amount of pain, but it’s not lethal. It’s not the end of the world. And the more you insist, the more you try, the more the pain becomes a joy.
The Joy of Doing Nothing
When you are so lucky to have absolutely nothing to do. Just enjoy it.
Future Prompts
How can I make the activity of being curious about the future, not scary? How can I enjoy the process of imagining futures?