How to receive brutally honest feedback
And only at the end try to give context, application, and audience.
Challenge Your Ideas In Public to Become More Innovative
Being original, innovative means having the courage of letting go of your banality
Free-Flowing Explanation of the Free-Flowing Practice
There will be no family member, no dog, no bill, no ugly noise able to get you out of your creative tunnel.
Learning Pains
And it is so good.
Connect Simple Ideas To Create Elaborate Thoughts
The real creativity is in composing those ideas into a bigger one. Not in having brilliant, big and exhaustive treatments of ideas, impromptu, of the day
Speculative Artistic Signature
What is my signature? How would you recognize something I’ve created? What is my top-down, intention, desire, in my signature?
Adding Review and Revision to your Creative Process
In your deliberate practice of daily creative habit building you cannot skip the review and revision phases. Exercising your kick 10’000 times without feedback and correction would have a pale comparison against a complete feedback loop. When you write daily only the check boxes, that’s what you risk. A stale routine of boring activities carried…
Systematic, iterative, incremental experimentation as a self-growth strategy
A healthy attitude towards experimenting, evaluating, and reflecting on the outcome of our trials is an effective push to self-growth.
Small Steps Towards Increased Future-Proofing of your Writing
By being more self-empathetic you can try to understand better how to create more engaging content for others.
Old Tools and New Tools
Limit yourself intentionally to appreciate the value of your old dear tools and acquire or upgrade your old tools to get a creativity boost.