Write daily to become a better manager

Write daily, reflect on your day, and plan your tomorrows. You will become a better manager in any field of your life, personal and professional.

Writing every day for 365 days, I’ve learned to be a better manager.

What does management mean? If it means doing things right, then writing daily definitely improved my management skills.

To prevent no-writing days, I’ve sometimes prepared drafts in advance. Or recorded my voice, or recorded a meeting or a webinar or a family dinner. (Be aware next time we meet).

If my writing is about the daily retrospective on the past day, reflecting on what I did and how I did it, I am indeed raising my self-awareness.

More so, if I plan for the next day or the next week or, if you want to be philosophical, for the next decade, I am managing my life and my resources more intentionally.

The only act of thinking about the future, intentionally, systematically, critically, made me a better manager.

Manager of what? My life, my relationships, my job, my clients, my studies.

How and how much? Not easy to measure, but I can say I make fewer stupid mistakes, like missing due dates or forgetting fundamental notions.

Write daily, reflect on your day, and plan your tomorrows. You will become a better manager in any field of your life, personal and professional.

Write daily, reflect on your day, and plan your tomorrows. You will become a better manager in any field of your life, personal and professional.
Write daily, reflect on your day, and plan your tomorrows. You will become a better manager in any field of your life, personal and professional.

This is Essay 24 of 30 in the my challenge One Year Writing: 30 Lessons Learned in 30 Days

  1. The Journey is the Purpose (16 Nov 2020)
  2. Writing is Thinking (17 Nov 2020)
  3. Write a Lot to Write Well (18 Nov 2020)
  4. Creative Loneliness (19 Nov 2020)
  5. Be Less Ambitious, Be More Consistent (20 Nov 2020)
  6. Writing builds your networks (21 Nov 2020)
  7. Connect ideas now (22 Nov 2020)
  8. Writing improves your memory (23 Nov 2020)
  9. Writing makes you a better observer (24 Nov 2020)
  10. Writing sets the focus on yourself (25 Nov 2020)
  11. Dissolve your distractions (26 Nov 2020)
  12. Writing reduces your jargon and slang (27 Nov 2020)
  13. Walking generates ideas (28 Nov 2020)
  14. Writing is like drinking coffee (29 Nov 2020)
  15. Creativity makes you happy (30 Nov 2020)
  16. Be smart, let it go (1 Dec 2020)
  17. Writing is a process (2 Dec 2020)
  18. Automate repetitive tasks (3 Dec 2020)
  19. Publish text as digital text, not images (4 Dec 2020)
  20. Why asking questions? (5 Dec 2020)
  21. Facilitate growth by tracking habits (6 Dec 2020)
  22. Type more, type faster, type better (7 Dec 2020)
  23. Transcribe your thoughts to become an effective communicator (8 Dec 2020)
  24. Write daily to become a better manager (9 Dec 2020)
  25. Do it small to do it better (10 Dec 2020)
  26. Don’t lose your mind. Back it up (11 Dec 2020)
  27. Write daily to enhance your reality (12 Dec 2020)
  28. If only I could be ten, again (13 Dec 2020)
  29. Writing compounds despite everything (14 Dec 2020)
  30. The habit of building habits (15 Dec 2020)