A systems thinker thinks in systems about systems
Systems Thinking emerges from considering the relationships and the interactions between all components of the observed system.
Systems Thinking offers the most effective and efficient mental model of reality
We can think in systems to analyzing the day-to-day problems and address global challenges as the Climate Crisis or poverty.
How to be a Systems Thinker: simple steps
Being a better Systems Thinker is all nice and good but how do you manage to do it in our chaotic lives?
Minimize unintended consequences by thinking in systems
When you obtain effects you didn’t want and you did not expect, following your actions, you are experiencing unintended consequences.
Writing builds your networks
Extrovert or introvert? Doesn’t matter. make your thoughts visible, you’ll grow your network.
A Facilitator, a Coach, and a Designer Walk into a Bar
And they learn together about design, facilitation, and complexity. How will it go?
Preparing for the Podcast “Making Complexity Simple”
How I leveraged on the Collective Intelligence to know better how much I don’t know, in preparation for a podcast interview.
Systemic Design Toolkit by Kristel van Ael of Namahn
Keynote: Hands-on with Systemic Design by Kristel van Ael of Namahn during The Virtual Design Thinking BarCamp 2020 .
Strategic Design for Collective Intelligence
A Strategic Designer Collective facilitates Collective Intelligence for leaders and decision-makers to be more than the sum of their parts.